Why I Have a Problem With Most Christian Marriage Books
I can be pretty hard on a lot of Christian marriage books, blog posts, webinars, etc.
(Note: I’m not here to be hard on the author himself/herself. I assume that an author has good intentions unless there is proof otherwise. Critiquing the content is different than critiquing the person, and it’s the content I’m here to discuss.)
So why does the content of most Christian marriage books bother me so much?
1. Emphasize that what the book says is “God’s way” of doing things.
For example, Love & Respect describes its contents as “Biblical, unchanging truth.” You will read that “The Love & Respect connection is clearly within scripture” and is “the key to any problem in a marriage.” Married Sex is described as providing “God plan for sex”, and it uses language like, “We honor and obey God when…”
(insert the author’s personal interpretation of scripture.)
2. Say some potentially really good, healthy things so that those who are already in a good marriage do not notice the harmful things in the book.
3. Contradict the good things that are said with advice that is dangerous for those with abusive spouses.
However, these caveats are not nearly enough. And combined with the rest of the content of the book, they can even make the problem worse. Most victims of abuse do not realize that what they are experiencing is abuse. Abuse is far more insidious than that. (Read more here to understand that domestic abuse is a pattern of control; it’s not singular incidents of violence.)
So what ends up happening is that a victim of abuse (who does not realize she is being abused; she only knows she is sad and miserable) picks up a popular Christian marriage book. The So-and-So’s said it’s good and they have such a great marriage, so this wife in a destructive marriage thinks that perhaps this book will teach her how her own marriage can be happy. The book says it’s not meant for abuse victims, but then says it is for people in marital crisis, lonely wives, or victims of affairs, or anyone looking for material that will save their marriage. (Translation: neglect, adultery, or other crisis-inducing behavior is not abusive and can be addressed as easily as reading this book.) The book gives illustrations of couples with “marriage problems” whose marriages were turned around as a result of following the book’s advice. These “marriage problems” include a husband who went to jail for assaulting his wife (Love & Respect) or a husband who pressures his wife to send him nude photos when she’s not comfortable doing so (Married Sex – actually this one is not even labeled as a problem; it’s labeled as normal behavior for a man.) So a victim of abuse reads about some of the same abusive behaviors her husband exhibits, and is assured that these are normal marriage issues and that this book holds the key to addressing those issues.
The message this victim takes away is something like this:
“I need to respect my husband more. Even if he calls me horrible names, tells the kids I’m a pathetic mom when I don’t have the house perfectly clean, looks at pornography all night long and then wakes me up in the middle of the night demanding I satisfy his ‘needs’, I need to realize that I can only change myself. I need to remember that we all sin, but that a godly partner will be longsuffering and forgiving, so I guess that’s what I need to work on. I need to stop letting my own needs (for basic human kindness and respect) be so important and die to myself.”
This message holds a great deal of weight because it’s “God’s way.”
But when an abuse victim takes away this message, it further emboldens the abuser. He can walk all over the victim and she is convinced she should only examine her own heart to make sure she is not being angry. She will review her own actions to ensure she’s been a good enough wife – keeping the house clean enough, giving him enough sex, etc. She will think through her words and her tone of voice and second guess everything she says (“I must be provoking him to anger somehow. I’ve tried saying things a hundred different ways and he still gets mad. Why can’t I get this right?”)
There’s a place to speak about patience and long-suffering in marriage relationships. There’s a place to speak of setting aside our own selfishness to serve our spouse.
But it HAS to come from an abuse-informed perspective, and in 9 books out of 10 that is not the case!
Authors shouldn’t use situations that are red flags of abuse as illustrations of how to die to self and then wonder why abuse victims got the idea they were supposed to tolerate abuse. They shouldn’t tell stories of couples whose rocky marriages were saved and focus entirely on the victim’s forgiveness while ignoring how to recognize genuine repentance from the offending spouse. But they do this all the time! I’ve read many, many Christian marriage books and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that has made it abundantly clear to the reader how to recognize abusive behaviors and patterns and how to differentiate those from everyday marital struggles. (If you know of a book that does, please send me a message. I’d love to hear about it!)
Some people don’t like it when I write critiques of marriage books and point out the ways that they’re harmful to abuse victims. They say, “These authors obviously don’t think abuse is okay. Their work is not intended for abuse victims, so if it doesn’t apply to someone they don’t need to read it.”
But as I wrote above, most of the time victims do not realize that what they are experiencing is abuse, and instead of providing the clarity they need, these books muddy the waters even further by writing about physical assault and sexual coercion as if they were everyday marriage issues. It is highly unlikely that an abuse victim would say, “This is not applicable for my situation, so I’m going to skip it.” It is much more likely that they will jump at the chance to read something that claims to be “the key to any problem in a marriage.”
My friend Heather Elizabeth wrote a heartfelt plea to authors, bloggers, and others who produce content for married couples. She urges them to recognize the prevalence of abuse victims who are consuming their content. Regardless of whether this is the intended audience, it is a large portion of the audience. And it is vital that this population is addressed in a way that will help them recognize that those caveats about seeking help in cases of abuse do indeed apply to them.
Like Heather Elizabeth, it is my dream that authors of Christian marriage books/materials would do the following:
- Become familiar with the patterns and systems of abuse.
- Include information about the patterns and systems of abuse in any materials about marriage, even if the material is intended for healthy relationships. It is imperative that people be taught how to recognize when their relationship is unhealthy, and when that lack of health is an abuse problem as opposed to a common relationship issue.
- Direct those in abusive relationships to resources that will prioritize their safety and that will address the issues they face from an abuse and trauma-informed perspective.
Until that happens, I cannot in good conscience recommend that you read Christian marriage books. (Unless you know of one that fits the criteria above. As I said, if you do please tell me about it!)
Two books I do recommend if you are hurting in your marriage (even if you do not feel there is abuse) are these:
- The Great Sex Rescue
I’ve heard from some that this is difficult for them to read as their eyes have been opened to some of the harmful ways sex has been used in their marriage. Please be gentle with yourself. - The Emotionally Destructive Marriage
This book has some helpful thoughts in it that will help you distinguish the differences between a difficult, a disappointing, and a destructive marriage.
If you are a Christian marriage influencer (even if that just means the influence you have on your friends and family!) and would like more information about how to recognize and respond well to domestic abuse in the church, I encourage you to sign up for the free download below.
Subscribe to download the Free Guide to Domestic Abuse in the Church
How to recognize and respond to abuse in your congregation