Category Archives for Finding Clarity

Do You Have a Financially Controlling Husband?

Financial control is one very effective method that a controlling husband* can use to maintain power and control over his wife. It is important to understand the overall pattern of abuse and how financial control plays into that. (Read more here about what the pattern of abuse looks like and be sure to download the […]

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“My Husband Choked Me”

I’ve heard the heart-wrenching accounts of women who recount with terror, “My husband choked me.” How terrifying it must be to have someone’s hands around your throat, hurting you and restricting your breathing. The correct term for this experience is strangulation, and in many states it is a felony offense. Strangulation is the ultimate form […]

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Modesty Doesn’t Belong in a Conversation about Rape

Recently I was made aware of a Christian school curriculum that stated, “A girl’s immodest dress can encourage sexual advances that lead a young couple into immorality, and sometimes date rapes are initiated by a girl’s immodest dress or allowance of sexual advances.” When I shared this on Facebook, encouraging parents to make sure their […]

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Why God Hates Divorce

Have you heard that God hates divorce? Have you been discouraged from pursuing divorce from an abusive spouse because divorce is something to be avoided at all costs? The problem with using the phrase “God hates divorce” to discourage any divorce is that the context of the scripture passage from which this idea comes is […]

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